Does Eco-Friendly Disease Control work?

If you are a gardener, farmer, or homeowner, you probably know how frustrating it can be to deal with pests and diseases that attack your plants and crops. You may have tried using various pesticides and fungicides to get rid of them, but you may have also wondered about the negative effects of these chemicals on your health, the environment, and the food chain. Is there a better way to control pests and diseases without harming yourself and the planet? The answer is yes: eco-friendly disease control.
What is Eco-Friendly Disease Control?
Using natural or biological agents to prevent or reduce the damage caused by pests and diseases in plants and crops is called eco-friendly disease control. These agents, such as microorganisms, insects, plants, or other natural substances, can suppress, repel, or kill harmful organisms without harming the beneficial ones. Eco-friendly disease control can also be known as biological control, biocontrol, or bioprotection. 1
Why Choose Eco-Friendly Disease Control Over Chemical Methods?
Compared to conventional chemical methods, eco-friendly disease control has many benefits. They are safer for humans, animals, and the environment, as it does not leave toxic residues or cause pollution. Also,it is more sustainable and cost-effective, as it does not require frequent applications or expensive equipment. Furthermore,they are more compatible with organic farming and integrated pest management (IPM) practices, as it does not interfere with the natural balance of the ecosystem. They are also more adaptive and resilient, as it can cope with changing conditions and reduce the risk of resistance development.2
How Does Eco-Friendly Disease Control Work?
Different strategies and mechanisms are used by eco-friendly disease control to achieve its goals.Some of these are:
• Competition: This involves using beneficial microorganisms that can outcompete or inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms in the soil or on the plant surface. For example, some bacteria and fungi can produce antibiotics, enzymes, or siderophores that can suppress the pathogens. 3
• Predation: This involves using beneficial insects that can feed on or kill the harmful insects that damage the plants or crops. For example, ladybugs can eat aphids, lacewings can eat whiteflies, and parasitic wasps can lay eggs inside caterpillars 4
• Induced resistance: This involves using natural substances that can trigger the plant’s own defense system against pests and diseases. For example, some plant extracts, hormones, or elicitors can induce the production of phytoalexins, pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs), or other compounds that can enhance the plant’s immunity 5
• Antifeedant: This involves using natural substances that can deter or reduce the feeding behavior of harmful insects on the plants or crops. For example, some plant oils, extracts, or compounds can affect the taste, smell, or digestion of the insects 6
Examples of Eco-Friendly Disease Control in Action
Various insects and diseases that affect different plants and crops can be controlled effectively by eco-friendly disease control. For example:
• Biocontrol strategies: an eco-smart tool for integrated pest and diseases management: This is a special issue of BMC Microbiology that focuses on biocontrol approaches that can suppress the biotic stresses, alter plant defense mechanisms, and offer new eco-smart ways for controlling plant pathogens and insect pests under sustainable agriculture.7
• Host Plant Resistance: An Eco-Friendly Approach for Crop Disease Management: This is a book chapter that discusses how host plant resistance can be an eco-friendly approach for crop disease management. It covers the types, mechanisms, sources, evaluation methods, and breeding strategies of host plant resistance.
Eco-Friendly Pest Control from Custom Ag Intel: BioPowerD.
BioPowerD bioinsecticide contains a consortium of beneficial microbes reported to be effective at reducing insect counts of mosquitoes, grasshoppers and black flies. To learn more, click here.
Conclusion: The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Disease Control
Eco-friendly disease control is a better option than conventional chemical methods for humans and nature. It allows us to grow plants and crops that are healthy and productive without harming our health and environment. Moreover, it helps us protect our biodiversity and resources for future generations. You can see that eco-friendly disease control is possible and preferable.
How to Try Out Our BioPowerD Bioinsecticide
If you want to learn more about eco-friendly disease control or try out our BioPowerD yourself, you can call us on 1-855-476-4276 or email us at